Display all models
[display-models image_size="models"]
Display all models with excerpt
[display-models include_excerpt="true" image_size="models"]
How to use
When editing a model enter the content in the excerpt at the bottom of the page. The content you enter here will appear on the photo at the bottom. 

Busenwunder Bizzar Lady Valentina
Busenwunder Bizzar Lady Valentina Alter: 40 Größe: 182cm Dreier mit...
Display select models by ID
[display-models id="410, 393, 386, 263" image_size="models"]
How to find the model ID
Click on „All Models“ from the Models menu. The ID for each model is listed beside the photo. 

Display models from specific model categories
[display-models image_size="models" taxonomy="models_cat" tax_term="new-york, international"]
Display latest 3 posts with excerpt
[display-posts include_excerpt="true" image_size="post-featured"]
Display as many post as you want
[display-posts posts_per_page="6" include_excerpt="true" image_size="post-featured"]
Display posts with title and featured iamge only
[display-posts image_size="post-featured"]
Display specific posts by ID
[display-posts id="338, 342, 323" include_excerpt="true" image_size="post-featured"]
Display a styled headline
[hedline]Your Headline Text[/headline]
Your Headline Text
[hedline2]This is a headline2 shortcode[/headline2]